is of
in us
is of
in us
SGR Gallery
Bogotá 2022
Bogotá 2022

Let us imagine that we can enter a space in which our senses are open to the possibility of entering into a relationship of horizontality and empathy with non-human species. How a bee sees, what a bee sees, what defines its flight patterns, how it transforms a place to inhabit it, how it transforms the landscape it shares with us. How is the experience of the world of other species, how does it feel to be permanently submerged in water, to have an exoskeleton, to have antennae, to buzz, to be suspended, to float, to be swarming, to be one and many. We can enter from our human condition to be part of another larger community, our body with other bodies, our mind with other minds, a change of scale, a fading of the physical limits of each body towards an understanding of the conjunction of the living organisms.
Let us imagine that a monument is transformed from the gesture of turning it into a house, into collaborative architecture, into a honey production space... Not to knock down the monument to tell another story, rather to write a new story from the bowels of the monument itself, an everyday, domestic story, intimately linked to the persistence of the living. Let's imagine that honey is a language that tells the details of this story; that the arrangement of flowers in the urban space begins to strike up an unprecedented conversation with this monument resignified as a habitat, converted into a new pollinating entity, it is no longer George Washington, it is a crowd, a beehive, a space for production and coexistence.
Maria Adelaida Samper